A Space for Great Wall Art, Decor and Clothing
Digital Designs 4U is a Space for Great Wall Art Decor and Clothing. The designs that have been chosen to reflect my ascetic preferences and many of the products designed by me reflect my own creative journey into design over the years.
As an affiliate marketer many products that I have listed on this web site have been chosen to match my design preference. A number of influences have played a part in my serendipitous journey of discovery and getting those unexpected aha moments that all designers can relate to.
Inspiration From Nature
The first time I looked at pictures of our universe I marvelled not only at the magnitude of it all, but also it’s beauty. The combination of colours are truly magnificent. Nature also is an endless source of inspiration. From the mathematical geometric precision in shapes to how lighting on spaces and objects constantly changes throughout the day.
Freeze Time and Appreciate the Magic
If an artist was able to freeze time and take multiple snapshots of a single nature scene throughout the day using their creative skill and interpretation they would come up with many variations of the same scene. That’s how magical it all is.
Other Sources Of Inspiration
Not only nature but architecture and Interior design inspire me as well. I once had to do an art project at school and paint the pictures of artists that inspired me from all categories. I remember one “Telephone Booths by an American Artist, Richard Estes”
The way the light reflected off the surfaces combined with the direct view changed the way I looked at things from that moment onward.
The Hungarian Artist Victor Vasarely and the English Artist Bridget Riley are just some of the other artists that made a big impression on me.
The Joy is in The Process
My mission and vision is in the joy I experience in the process of creating beautiful designs, wall art, décor and clothing. I also love showcasing beautiful designs of other designers that have inspired me.